Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Harvard now ridiculously insists that fluoride only lowers IQ levels outside the United States

The absurd lie that fluoride is only detrimental to people in other countries..

Intense industry pressure to continue mass medicating Americans with fluoride chemicals via public water supplies has apparently influenced Harvard University

Read more here: Harvard now ridiculously insists that fluoride only lowers IQ levels outside the United States

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Every second, day after day, month after month, year after year or kidney work tirelessly  filtering the blood and removing toxin, salts and other poisons. Twice a year or more the kidneys need a cleansing. But what is the best way to? Easy

Take a bunch of the freshest organic cilantro leaves. If you can grow your own is best. Apartment dwellers can grow easily in pot on balcony or window sill. Rinse well then chop up, stems and all.

Then place the chopped cilantro in 4 cups boiling water, bring back to boil, shut off flame and let sit for 10 minutes. Then strain. Drink at room temperature, never cold through out the day.

You will feel and see a difference immediately.

Friday, January 13, 2012

TradeInsight Predicts Key Forces to Shape 2012
DigitalJournal.com (press release)
In this New Year, everything from the consumer's “Smart Living” shopping behavior and growth in the natural and organic space to new best practices in trade promotions will be key forces in shaping the industry and the world of TPM. ...

 New Education about Organic Farming, Soil, Pollution, Humidity and Water ...
DigitalJournal.com (press release)
Dr. Kirschenmann explained that the effect of climate change, humidity and polluted air on soils are not well understood, but he did have some comments on the subject: Soils, according to Dr. Kirschenmann, are a living organism teeming with microscopic ...